Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Historians - I. V. Sertima, C. Diop, G. James, J. Clarke, J.A. Rogers

I have quite a few favorite historians.  I love history.  I'd like to introduce y'all to a few of my favorites and their works.   Do you have a favorite historian?

Mission Statement

My mission is simply to bring book lovers who read to educate themselves into my world intellectually.

Book Events

Interviews - Van Sertima & Others


Christopher Columbus & the African Holocaust - John Henrik Clark

The Early African Presence in Europe - Ivan V. Sertima

The Early African Presence in Asia - Runuko Rashidi & Van Sertima

The African Early Presence in America & America Revisited - I.V. Sertima

Africa The Mother of Civilization - Dr. Yosef Ben Jochohannan

They Came Before Columbus - Ivan Van Sertima

J. A. Rogers - Nature Knows No Color Line, etc.

J.A. Rogers is really the man we shuld thank for bring African history into Black America.  Most of his books are out of print.  I wish there was a way to have them all reprinted.  You can still get copies if you are diligent.  Please read the following books and give us a review:

Nature Knows No Color Line: Research into the Negro Ancestor of  the White Race
Sex & Race: Volumn 1, Negro-Caucasion Mixing in All Ages & Lands
Sex & Race:  Volumn 2, A History of White, Negro & Indian Miscegenation in the Two Americas
Sex & Race: Volumn  3, Why Blacks & Whites Mix in Spite of Opposition
From Superman to Man
100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof
World Great Men of Color, Volumn 1
The Five Negro Presidents  According to What White People Said They Were
The Real Facts About Ethiopia

The World & African - D.E.B Dubois

The Golden Age of the Moor - Ivan Van Sertima

Egypt A Child of Africa & Egypt Revisted - Ivan Van Sertima

Destruction of the Black Civilization - Chancellor Williams

Black Women in Antiquity - Ivan Van Sertima

Black in Science: Ancient and Modern - Ivan Van Sertima

The African Origin of Civilization - Cheihk Anta Diop

Barbarism or Civilization - Cheikh Anta Diop

Stolen Legacy - George James

Introduction to African Civlizations - John G. Jackson