Friday, March 2, 2012

Black Nerd Maybe? Geek Ah Naw!

Dear Y'all,

I am just come to the realization that I have nerdish tendacies.  Do I consider myself a hard core nerd?  No.  The traditional view of a nerd is someone who is socially inept, bookish, awkward, unattractive, weird, and has the personality of a rock.  The only adjective that fits me is bookish.  Why bookish?  I have just counted the number of books I have on this blog. There are 40 book titles and 24 of them are straight history books.  So I am going to say I have nerdish ways. 

My fellow Nerds I want to meet each of you.  If you are a Nerd or have nerdish ways, please send me a self addressed envelop w/$1.00.  You may be invited to attend my Nerd event.  You may contact @ P.O. Box 11390, Atlanta, GA  30310.  Please state briefly why you are writing.  Please no more that 15 words.  It is always a pleasure to meet other nerd like people, but please don't bore me to death with being winded.  Okay? It's a joy being in the copy of like people. I'm lonely for my kind, no weirdos though.

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