Friday, March 2, 2012

Stupid Is As Stupid Does - Books...Books....More Books

Wanted 100,000 Books

Book Buy Selection:  The World & Africa, D.E. B. Dubois


My goal and objective is to collect 10,000 books by January 31, 2013.  I am requesting that whether  you are or aren't a reader that you buy someone book who is.  Amazon or any other book vendor has this book.  You may simply buy the book and have it forwarded to Mrs. P. Peavy, P.O. Box 11390, Atlanta, GA.  I thank all participants in advance.  I will keep y'all posted quarterly on how many books we've acquired.  I am a history buff.  My goal is to impact some type of knowledge on young minds.  The World and Africa is on my non fiction book list here.

My Story:

A few years back, I was in Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.  If you don't know about Lagos, you can you tube it and get a feel for the environment and people.  My companion and I were at the market, going from book stall to book stall.  He was a graduate student at one of the universities.  The school was located in Ogun State.  Lagos and Ogun State are located in south west Nigeria and are Yoruba states.  The Yorubas are a ethnic group.   I suggest you you tube the Yorubas too.  Lagos is like the New York city of Nigeria.  It attracts everyone from all over Nigeria and Africa. 
Anyway we were in the hot sun going from stall to stall.  He was trying to find a book that was somewhat related to his course.  Now we all know that here in the States when you report for class, the instructor gives you a syllabus, which tells you the book(s) needed for the class.  If you have the money,  just go to the student center to the bookstore and buy the book(s).   Well this type of service is not available in Nigeria.  I was so annoyed.  We in America have free libraries, but we want even go there to read a free book.  I just found there appreciation for books wonderful. 

What the experience did for me was to make this book lover aware that everyone does not have easy access to books. 
The purpose of collecting books is to have a international African book read with African students.  The books will be distributed either to local university and/or high school students.
Again, I will offer my deepest appreciation and thanks for all of those who donated the book.


Mrs. Patty

I Love Books

Current Book Read:  The Awakening, L.A. Banks

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